Quercus incana
oblong, elliptic, lanceolate, oblanceolate, obovate, ovate
shrub, tree
March - May
8.0 - 18.0
Warm season
Often found growing with sand post oak. Elliptical shaped leaf covered with gray hairs on both surfaces.
The following information applies to the genus Quercus: Animals that eat its acorns: Mallard duck, Pintail, Wood duck, Clapper rail, Animals that eat its buds and acorns: White-winged dove, Greater prairie chicken, Lesser prairie chicken, Bobwhite quail, Wild turkey. Animals that eat acorns: Common crow, Eastern crow, Red-shafted flicker, Yellow-shafted flicker, Purple grackle and/or bronzed, Blue jay, Florida blue jay, Meadowlark, White-breasted nuthatch, Yellow-bellied sapsucker (sap), Starling, Brown thrasher, Tufted titmouse, Downy woodpecker, Red-bellied woodpecker, Red-cockaded woodpecker, Red-headed woodpecker, Carolina wren, Pocket gopher, Meadow mouse, White-footed mouse, Wood rat , Rock squirrel. Animals that eat acorns, bark, and wood: Black bear, Beaver, Ring-tailed cat, Gray fox, Red fox, Muskrat, Opossum, Eastern cottontail, Raccoon, Flying squirrel, Fox squirrel, Gray squirrel, Red squirrel, Animals that eat twigs, foliage, and acorns: White-tailed deer, Peccary (Martin et al. 1951).
The Acadians of south Louisiana called all oaks "chene" which is the old French name for that genus. The Acadian French name for an acorn is "gland" and the wood is called "cheniere" (Holmes 1990). The name "cheniere" is also used to refer old beach remnants in the coastal marsh where live oaks grow. Blue jack oaks are found in sandy uplands of Louisiana, east and central Texas.
Dry, often deep, sandy soils.