Search by Scientific Name
44 records
Scientific Name | Common Name | Other Names | Family |
Ilex ambigua | carolina holly | sand holly | Aquifoliaceae |
Ilex amelanchier | sarvis holly | swamp holly, sarvis-holly | Aquifoliaceae |
Ilex cassine | dahoon | cassena, henderson-wood, dahoon holly | Aquifoliaceae |
Ilex coriacea | large gallberry | sweet gallberry, bay-gall bush, ink-berry holly | Aquifoliaceae |
Ilex decidua | possumhaw | possum haw, possum-haw, deciduous holly, winterberry, winter-berry, winter berry | Aquifoliaceae |
Ilex glabra | inkberry | bitter gallberry, ink-berry, gallberry | Aquifoliaceae |
Ilex longipes | georgia holly | chapman's holly | Aquifoliaceae |
Ilex opaca | american holly | christmas holly | Aquifoliaceae |
Ilex verticillata | common winterberry | michigan holly, black alder, winterberry, winter-berry | Aquifoliaceae |
Ilex vomitoria | yaupon | yaupon holly, cassina | Aquifoliaceae |
Illicium floridanum | florida anisetree | florida anise-tree, florida anise, anise tree, stinkbush | Illiciaceae |
Impatiens capensis | jewelweed | spotted touch-me-not, orange jewelweed, jewel-weed | Balsaminaceae |
Imperata cylindrica | cogongrass | alang-alang, blady grass, cogon grass, kunai, paillotte, santintail | Poaceae |
Indigofera miniata | coastal indigo | scarlet pea. texas indigo, western indigo | Fabaceae |
Indigofera suffruticosa | anil de pasto | bush indigo | Fabaceae |
Ionactis linariifolius | flaxleaf whitetop aster | stiff aster, flaxleaf aster, stiff-leaved aster | Asteraceae |
Ipomoea coccinea | redstar | mexican morningglory, red morningglory, starglory, wooly tidestromia, scarlet morningglory, redstar, scarlet creeper | Convolvulaceae |
Ipomoea cordatotriloba | tievine | purple bindweed, cotton morningglory | Convolvulaceae |
Ipomoea hederacea | ivyleaf morning-glory | entireleaf morningglory, mexican morningglory, ivyleaf morningglory | Convolvulaceae |
Ipomoea imperati | beach morning-glory | Convolvulaceae | |
Ipomoea indica | oceanblue morning-glory | blue morningglory, oceanblue morningglory | Convolvulaceae |
Ipomoea lacunosa | whitestar | pitted morningglory, white morningglory | Convolvulaceae |
Ipomoea pandurata | man of the earth | wild potato, wild sweet potato, manroot, bigroot morning glory | Convolvulaceae |
Ipomoea quamoclit | cypress vine | cypressvine, cypressvine morningglory | Convolvulaceae |
Ipomoea sagittata | salt-marsh morning-glory | saltmarsh morningglory | Convolvulaceae |
Ipomoea wrightii | wright's morning-glory | palmleaf morningglory, wright's morningglory | Convolvulaceae |
Ipomopsis rubra | standing-cypress | texas plume, red texas star, red gilia | Polemoniaceae |
Iris albicans | cemetery iris | Iridaceae | |
Iris brevicaulis | zigzag iris | blue flag, lamance iris | Iridaceae |
Iris fulva | copper iris | red iris, red-flag, copper-iris | Iridaceae |
Iris giganticaerulea | giant blue iris | blue flag | Iridaceae |
Iris hexagona | dixie iris | Iridaceae | |
Iris pseudacorus | pale-yellow iris | pale yellow iris, paleyellow iris, yellow flag, yellow-flag, water flag, water-flag | Iridaceae |
Iris virginica | virginia blueflag | virginia iris, great blue flag, southern blueflag | Iridaceae |
Iris x nelsonii | abbeville iris | Iridaceae | |
Isoetes louisianensis | louisiana quillwort | Isoetaceae | |
Isoetes melanopoda | blackfoot quillwort | blackfooted quillwort, midland quillwort | Isoetaceae |
Isolepis carinata | keeled bulrush | Cyperaceae | |
Isotria verticillata | large whorled pogonia | purple five-leaf orchid, whorled pogonia | Orchidaceae |
Itea virginica | virginia sweetspire | tassel-white, virginia willow | Grossulariaceae |
Iva angustifolia | narrowleaf marsh-elder | narrowleaf marsh elder, texas marsh elder, narrowleaf marshelder, narrowleaf sumpweed | Asteraceae |
Iva annua | annual marsh-elder | annual marsh elder, annual marshelder, seacoast sumpweed, marsh-elder, pelocote, rough marshelder, rough marsh-elder, rough marsh elder | Asteraceae |
Iva frutescens | high water shrub | jesuit's bark, bigleaf sumpweed, high-tide bush, high-water shrub, marsh elder, maritime marsh-elder, marsh-elder, seacoast marsh elder, | Asteraceae |
Iva imbricata | seacoast marsh elder | seacoast marshelder | Asteraceae |