Search by Common Name
73 records
Common Name | Other Names | Scientific Name | Family |
rabbitbells | Crotalaria rotundifolia | Fabaceae | |
rabbit-tobacco | sweet everlasting | Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium | Asteraceae |
racemed milkwort | pink milkwort | Polygala polygama | Polygalaceae |
rare loco milkvetch | slimpod milkvetch | Astragalus leptocarpus | Fabaceae |
rattlebox | poisonbean, rattlebush, poison bean, coffee bean, yellow rattlebox | Sesbania drummondii | Fabaceae |
rattlesnake fern | common grapefern, botryche de virginie | Botrychium virginianum | Ophioglossaceae |
rattlesnake-master | button snakeroot, yuccaleaf eryngo, button eryngo, beargrass, bear's grass | Eryngium yuccifolium | Apiaceae |
ravenfoot sedge | Carex crus-corvi | Cyperaceae | |
rayless sunflower | stiff sunflower | Helianthus radula | Asteraceae |
red bay | Persea borbonia | Lauraceae | |
red buckeye | scarlet buckeye, firecracker plant, buckeye | Aesculus pavia | Hippocastanaceae |
red chokeberry | Aronia arbutifolia | Rosaceae | |
red clover | Trifolium pratense | Fabaceae | |
red honeysuckle | coral honeysuckle, trumpet honeysuckle, woodbine | Lonicera sempervirens | Caprifoliaceae |
red lovegrass | Eragrostis secundiflora | Poaceae | |
red maids | Calandrinia ciliata | Montiaceae | |
red maple | scarlet maple | Acer rubrum | Aceraceae |
red milkweed | tall pink bog milkweed | Asclepias rubra | Asclepiadaceae |
red mulberry | moral | Morus rubra | Moraceae |
red rattlebox | rattlebox | Sesbania punicea | Fabaceae |
red rice | Oryza punctata | Poaceae | |
red spider lily | magic lily | Lycoris radiata | Liliaceae |
red spiderling | Boerhavia diffusa | Nyctaginaceae | |
redring milkweed | white milkweed, white flowered milkweed | Asclepias variegata | Asclepiadaceae |
redroot flatsedge | red-root flat sedge, redroot nutgrass, redroot flat sedge | Cyperus erythrorhizos | Cyperaceae |
redstar | mexican morningglory, red morningglory, starglory, wooly tidestromia, scarlet morningglory, redstar, scarlet creeper | Ipomoea coccinea | Convolvulaceae |
redstem stork's bill | filaria, redstem-filaree, alfilerillo | Erodium cicutarium | Geraniaceae |
redtop panicgrass | Panicum rigidulum var. rigidulum | Poaceae | |
redtop panicgrass | redtop panicum | Coleataenia longifolia ssp. rigidula | Poaceae |
redwhisker clammyweed | clammyweed, roughseed clammyweed | Polanisia dodecandra | Capparaceae |
rescuegrass | rescue grass, rescue brome, rescuegras | Bromus catharticus | Poaceae |
resurrection fern | Pleopeltis polypodioides | Polypodiaceae | |
reverchon's spiderwort | Tradescantia reverchonii | Commelinaceae | |
ribbed mock bishop-weed | ribbed mock bishopweed | Ptilimnium costatum | Apiaceae |
rice | Oryza sativa | Poaceae | |
rice button aster | rice button american-aster, white bushy aster, long-stalked aster | Symphyotrichum dumosum | Asteraceae |
rice cutgrass | rice cut grass, rice cut-grass | Leersia oryzoides | Poaceae |
ricefield flatsedge | Cyperus iria | Cyperaceae | |
ridge stem false-foxglove | ridgestem false foxglove | Agalinis oligophylla | Scrophulariaceae |
rio grande copperlily | copper lily, rio grande copper-lily | Habranthus tubispathus | Liliaceae |
river birch | red birch, black birch | Betula nigra | Betulaceae |
riverbank grape | river-bank grape, frost grape | Vitis riparia | Vitaceae |
riverflat hawthorn | western mayhaw, apple haw, mayhaw | Crataegus opaca | Rosaceae |
riverswamp nutrush | Scleria hirtella | Cyperaceae | |
robin's plantain | poor robin's plantain, rose petty, robert's plantain, blue spring-daisy | Erigeron pulchellus | Asteraceae |
romerillo | common beggarticks, shepherd's needles, spanish needles, butterfly needles, hairy beggarticks | Bidens alba | Asteraceae |
rose bluet | Houstonia rosea | Rubiaceae | |
rose mock vervain | rose vervain, sweet william | Glandularia canadensis | Verbenaceae |
rose of plymouth | saltmarsh sabatia | Sabatia stellaris | Gentianaceae |
rose of sharon | althea | Hibiscus syriacus | Malvaceae |
rosemallow | wooly rose-mallow | Hibiscus lasiocarpos | Malvaceae |
rosemary frostweed | Helianthemum rosmarinifolium | Cistaceae | |
rosepink | rose-pink, squarestem rosegentian, common marsh-pink, bitter-bloom, rose pink | Sabatia angularis | Gentianaceae |
rosy camphor-weed | rosy camphorweed | Pluchea baccharis | Asteraceae |
rougeplant | pigeonberry, baby-peppers, bloodberry, coralito | Rivina humilis | Phytolaccaceae |
rough dropseed | hidden dropseed | Sporobolus clandestinus | Poaceae |
rough falsepennyroyal | rough pennyroyal, false pennyroyal, falsepennyroyal, rough false pennyroyal | Hedeoma hispida | Lamiaceae |
rough mexican clover | florida-pusley | Richardia scabra | Rubiaceae |
roughleaf coneflower | sabine coneflower, bog brown-eyed susan | Rudbeckia scabrifolia | Asteraceae |
roughleaf dogwood | drummond's dogwood, rough-leaf dogwood | Cornus drummondii | Cornaceae |
roughstem rosinweed | Silphium radula | Asteraceae | |
roundfruit hedgehyssop | virginia hedgehyssop | Gratiola virginiana | Scrophulariaceae |
round-head bushclover | roundhead lespedeza, round-headed lespedeza, round-headed bush-clover, bushclover, bush clover | Lespedeza capitata | Fabaceae |
round-head rush | roundhead rush | Juncus validus | Juncaceae |
roundleaf bluet | round-leaf bluets, innocence | Houstonia procumbens | Rubiaceae |
roundleaf ragwort | golden groundsel, roundleaf groundsel, squawweed | Packera obovata | Asteraceae |
roundleaf thoroughwort | roundleaf eupatorium | Eupatorium rotundifolium | Asteraceae |
round-pod st. john's wort | roundpod st. johnswort | Hypericum cistifolium | Clusiaceae |
roundseed panicum | roundseed panicgrass | Dichanthelium sphaerocarpon | Poaceae |
royal fern | Osmunda regalis | Osmundaceae | |
runner oak | sand post oak, drummond post oak, dwarf post oak, scrubby post oak | Quercus margarettae | Fagaceae |
rusty blackhaw | southern black-haw, rusty blackhaw viburnum, blackhaw, bluehaw, downy viburnum, southern nannyberry, rusty nannyberry, nannyberry | Viburnum rufidulum | Caprifoliaceae |
rustyseed paspalum | Paspalum langei | Poaceae |