Search by Common Name
95 records
Common Name | Other Names | Scientific Name | Family |
tall blazing-star | tall blazing star, tall gayfeather, rough gayfeather, tall liatris, rough blazing star, button snakeroot, rough liatris | Liatris aspera | Asteraceae |
tall coneflower | rough coneflower, plantainleaf coneflower | Rudbeckia grandiflora | Asteraceae |
tall elephantsfoot | Elephantopus elatus | Asteraceae | |
tall hairy agrimony | tall hairy groovebur, agrimony | Agrimonia gryposepala | Rosaceae |
tall horned beaksedge | horned rush, horned-rush | Rhynchospora macrostachya | Cyperaceae |
tall ironweed | giant ironweed | Vernonia gigantea | Asteraceae |
tall pinebarren milkwort | tall pine-barren milkwort | Polygala cymosa | Polygalaceae |
tall scouring-rush | scouring horsetail, horsetail, canuela, scouring rush, common scouring rush, scouringrush, western scouringrush, prêle d'hiver, scouringrush horsetail | Equisetum hyemale | Equisetaceae |
tall sunflower | ashy sunflower, downy sunflower | Helianthus mollis | Asteraceae |
tall thimbleweed | virginia anemone, thimbleweed, tall anemone | Anemone virginiana | Ranunculaceae |
tall tickseed | atlantic coreopsis, tall coreopsis | Coreopsis tripteris | Asteraceae |
tall yellow lettuce | canada lettuce, florida blue lettuce, wild lettuce | Lactuca canadensis | Asteraceae |
tall yelloweyed grass | tall yellow-eyed grass | Xyris platylepis | Xyridaceae |
tansy dogshade | Limnosciadium pinnatum | Apiaceae | |
tapered rosette grass | hotsprings panicum, hotsprings rosette grass | Dichanthelium acuminatum | Poaceae |
taperleaf water horehound | water horehound, taperleaf bugleweed | Lycopus rubellus | Lamiaceae |
tapertip rush | sharp-fruit rush | Juncus acuminatus | Juncaceae |
teal lovegrass | teal love grass, creeping lovegrass | Eragrostis hypnoides | Poaceae |
tenangle pipewort | ten-angle pipewort, pipewort | Eriocaulon decangulare | Eriocaulaceae |
tennessee aster | southern prairie aster | Eurybia hemispherica | Asteraceae |
terrestrial water-starwort | terrestrial waterstarwort | Callitriche terrestris | Callitrichaceae |
texas azalea | Rhododendron oblongifolium | Ericaceae | |
texas bluebonnet | sandyland bluebonnet | Lupinus subcarnosus | Fabaceae |
texas bullnettle | bull nettle, tread-softly, spurge nettle, mala mujer | Cnidoscolus texanus | Euphorbiaceae |
texas dutchman's pipe | Aristolochia reticulata | Aristolochiaceae | |
texas goldentop | great plains flat-topped goldenrod | Euthamia gymnospermoides | Asteraceae |
texas grama | Bouteloua rigidiseta | Poaceae | |
texas greeneyes | broochflower | Berlandiera betonicifolia | Asteraceae |
texas ironweed | Vernonia texana | Asteraceae | |
texas lady's tresses | texas ladies'-tresses, texas ladiestresses | Spiranthes brevilabris | Orchidaceae |
texas lupine | texas bluebonnet, bluebonnet, buffalo clover, wolf flower | Lupinus texensis | Fabaceae |
texas palafox | Palafoxia texana | Asteraceae | |
texas ragwort | texas grounsdel, texas butterweed | Senecio ampullaceus | Asteraceae |
texas red oak | nutall's oak, nuttall oak, spanish oak, rock oak, texas oak | Quercus texana | Fagaceae |
texas saxifrage | Saxifraga texana | Saxifragaceae | |
texas sedge | Carex texensis | Cyperaceae | |
texas star | meadow pink, prairie rose gentian | Sabatia campestris | Gentianaceae |
texas sunnybell | Schoenolirion wrightii | Liliaceae | |
texas thistle | Cirsium texanum | Asteraceae | |
texas vervain | slender verbena, texas verbena, slender vervain | Verbena halei | Verbenaceae |
texas wakerobin | texas trillium | Trillium texanum | Liliaceae |
texas wintergrass | texas needlegrass, texas speargrass, wintergrass, texas tussockgrass | Nassella leucotricha | Poaceae |
texas yellowstar | texas star, lindheimer daisy | Lindheimera texana | Asteraceae |
thicket bean | Phaseolus polystachios | Fabaceae | |
thicket sedge | Carex abscondita | Cyperaceae | |
thin paspalum | slender crown grass, fringeleaf paspalum, sand paspalum | Paspalum setaceum | Poaceae |
thinfruit sedge | Carex flaccosperma | Cyperaceae | |
thorny olive | thorny elaegnus | Elaeagnus pungens | Elaeagnaceae |
threadleaf beaksedge | Rhynchospora filifolia | Cyperaceae | |
threadleaf beakseed | densetuft hairsedge, hair-sedge | Bulbostylis capillaris | Cyperaceae |
threebirds | three-birds orchid, nodding pogonia | Triphora trianthophora | Orchidaceae |
threeflower hawthorn | Crataegus triflora | Rosaceae | |
threelobe false mallow | Malvastrum coromandelianum | Malvaceae | |
three-rib arrowgrass | southern arrow-grass | Triglochin striata | Juncaginaceae |
threeway sedge | three-sided sedge, three-way sedge | Dulichium arundinaceum | Cyperaceae |
thymeleaf sandwort | thyme-leaved sandwort | Arenaria serpyllifolia | Caryophyllaceae |
tie-vine | custervine, hairy clustervine, hairy cluster-vine | Jacquemontia tamnifolia | Convolvulaceae |
tievine | purple bindweed, cotton morningglory | Ipomoea cordatotriloba | Convolvulaceae |
timothy canarygrass | Phalaris angusta | Poaceae | |
tiny bluet | small bluets, star violet | Houstonia pusilla | Rubiaceae |
tiny mousetail | Myosurus minimus | Ranunculaceae | |
tiny pea | singletary vetchling, low peavine | Lathyrus pusillus | Fabaceae |
tinytim | Geocarpon minimum | Caryophyllaceae | |
toad rush | toad-rush | Juncus bufonius | Juncaceae |
toothache grass | Ctenium aromaticum | Poaceae | |
toothcup | lowland toothcup, rotala, lowland rotala, tooth-cup | Rotala ramosior | Lythraceae |
toothed spurge | toothed-leaf poinsetta | Euphorbia dentata | Euphorbiaceae |
torpedo grass | couch panicum, creeping panic, panic, rampant, wainaku grass, torpedograss | Panicum repens | Poaceae |
torrey's rush | torrey rush | Juncus torreyi | Juncaceae |
tracy's sundew | Drosera tracyi | Droseraceae | |
trailing lespedeza | trailing bush clover | Lespedeza procumbens | Fabaceae |
trailing pearlwort | Sagina decumbens | Caryophyllaceae | |
trailing shrubverbena | weeping lantana, trailing lantana, polecat-geranium. | Lantana montevidensis | Verbenaceae |
trailing yellow loosestrife | trailing loosestrife | Lysimachia radicans | Primulaceae |
tree of heaven | tree-of-heaven, copal tree, smoke tree | Ailanthus altissima | Simaroubaceae |
triangle orache | Atriplex prostrata | Chenopodiaceae | |
tropical mexican clover | brazil pusley | Richardia brasiliensis | Rubiaceae |
tropical puff | tropical neptunia | Neptunia pubescens | Fabaceae |
trumpet creeper | common trumpet creeper, trumpet vine, cow vine, cow-itch vine, trumpet honeysuckle | Campsis radicans | Bignoniaceae |
trumpetweed | joe-pye weed, queen of the meadow, hollow joe-pye weed | Eutrochium fistulosum | Asteraceae |
tuber vervain | tuberous vervain | Verbena rigida | Verbenaceae |
tuberous grasspink | grasspink | Calopogon tuberosus | Orchidaceae |
tuberous stoneseed | southern stoneseed | Lithospermum tuberosum | Boraginaceae |
tufted flax | Linum imbricatum | Linaceae | |
tuliptree | tulip poplar, yellow poplar | Liriodendron tulipifera | Magnoliaceae |
tumble windmill grass | windmallgrass, tumble windmillgrass | Chloris verticillata | Poaceae |
tungoil tree | Vernicia fordii | Euphorbiaceae | |
turkey oak | Quercus laevis | Fagaceae | |
turks cap hibiscus | turk's cap, turkscap, drummond's turkscap, wax mallow, drummond wax mallow, red mallow, texas mallow, mexican apple, manzanilla, sleeping hibiscus, bleeding hearts | Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii | Malvaceae |
turk's-cap lily | Lilium superbum | Liliaceae | |
twisted spikerush | Eleocharis tortilis | Cyperaceae | |
twistleaf goldenrod | Solidago tortifolia | Asteraceae | |
twistspine pricklypear | plains pricklypear, bigroot pricklypear, common prickly pear | Opuntia macrorhiza | Cactaceae |
twoflower melicgrass | Melica mutica | Poaceae | |
two-wing silverbell | twowing silverbell, silver bell, two-winged silverbell, snowdrop tree, american snowdrop tree, snowdrop-tree | Halesia diptera | Styracaceae |