Search by Scientific Name
81 records
Scientific Name | Common Name | Other Names | Family |
Habenaria repens | waterspider bog orchid | waterspider false reinorchid, habenaria acuática, water-spider orchid | Orchidaceae |
Habranthus tubispathus | rio grande copperlily | copper lily, rio grande copper-lily | Liliaceae |
Halesia diptera | two-wing silverbell | twowing silverbell, silver bell, two-winged silverbell, snowdrop tree, american snowdrop tree, snowdrop-tree | Styracaceae |
Hamamelis virginiana | american witchhazel | witch hazel, common witch hazel, winterbloom | Hamamelidaceae |
Hedeoma hispida | rough falsepennyroyal | rough pennyroyal, false pennyroyal, falsepennyroyal, rough false pennyroyal | Lamiaceae |
Hedera helix | english ivy | Araliaceae | |
Helenium amarum | bitterweed | yellowdicks, bitter sneezeweed, narrow leaved sneezeweed | Asteraceae |
Helenium autumnale | common sneezeweed | fall sneezeweed, mountain sneezeweed, bitterweed, false sunflower | Asteraceae |
Helenium drummondii | fringed sneezeweed | Asteraceae | |
Helenium elegans | pretty sneezeweed | Asteraceae | |
Helenium flexuosum | purple-head sneezeweed | purplehead sneezeweed | Asteraceae |
Helenium quadridentatum | longdisk sneezeweed | Asteraceae | |
Helenium vernale | savannah sneezeweed | Asteraceae | |
Helianthemum carolinianum | carolina frostweed | Cistaceae | |
Helianthemum georgianum | georgia frostweed | rockrose, georgia sunrose | Cistaceae |
Helianthemum rosmarinifolium | rosemary frostweed | Cistaceae | |
Helianthus angustifolius | swamp sunflower | swamp sneezeweed, narrowleaf sunflower, narrow-leaved sunflower | Asteraceae |
Helianthus annuus | common sunflower | sunflower, wild sunflower, annual sunflower, mirasol | Asteraceae |
Helianthus divaricatus | woodland sunflower | rough sunflower | Asteraceae |
Helianthus grosse-serratus | sawtooth sunflower | saw-tooth sunflower | Asteraceae |
Helianthus hirsutus | hairy sunflower | rough sunflower | Asteraceae |
Helianthus maximiliani | maximillian sunflower | max sunflower | Asteraceae |
Helianthus mollis | tall sunflower | ashy sunflower, downy sunflower | Asteraceae |
Helianthus occidentalis | fewleaf sunflower | western sunflower | Asteraceae |
Helianthus radula | rayless sunflower | stiff sunflower | Asteraceae |
Helianthus simulans | muck sunflower | narrow-leaved sunflower, swamp sunflower | Asteraceae |
Helianthus tuberosus | jerusalem artichoke | sunchoke | Asteraceae |
Heliopsis helianthoides | smooth oxeye | Asteraceae | |
Heliotropium curassavicum | salt heliotrope | quail plant, seaside heliotrope, cola de mico, cola de gama, seaside-heliotrope | Boraginaceae |
Heliotropium indicum | indian heliotrope | indian heliotrope, turnsole, alacrancillo | Boraginaceae |
Heliotropium tenellum | pasture heliotrope | white heliotrope | Boraginaceae |
Hemerocallis fulva | orange daylily | tawny day-lily, yellow day-lily | Liliaceae |
Herbertia lahue | prairienymph | prairie nymph | Iridaceae |
Heteranthera limosa | blue mudplantain | ducksalad, mud plantain, blue mudplantain | Pontederiaceae |
Heterotheca subaxillaris | camphorweed | Asteraceae | |
Hexalectris spicata | spiked crested coralroot | crested coral-root | Orchidaceae |
Hexastylis arifolia | littlebrownjug | little brown jug, heart leaf, evergreen wild ginger | Aristolochiaceae |
Hibiscus aculeatus | comfortroot | big thicket hibiscus, pineland hibiscus | Malvaceae |
Hibiscus coccineus | scarlet rosemallow | crimson rosemallow, wild red mallow, texas star hibiscus | Malvaceae |
Hibiscus laevis | halberdleaf rosemallow | halberd-leaved rosemallow, halberdleaf hibiscus, scarlet rose mallow, halberd-leaved rose-mallow, halberd-leaved hibiscus | Malvaceae |
Hibiscus lasiocarpos | rosemallow | wooly rose-mallow | Malvaceae |
Hibiscus moscheutos | crimsoneyed rosemallow | rose mallow, wild cotton, swamp rosemallow, crimson-eyed rose-mallow, marshmallow, swamp rose-mallow, mallow-rose, marshmallow hibiscus | Malvaceae |
Hibiscus mutabilis | dixie rosemallow | Malvaceae | |
Hibiscus syriacus | rose of sharon | althea | Malvaceae |
Hieracium gronovii | queendevil | Asteraceae | |
Hieracium longipilum | hairy hawkweed | Asteraceae | |
Hordeum pusillum | little barley | little wildbarley | Poaceae |
Hottonia inflata | american featherfoil | featherfoil, water violet | Primulaceae |
Houstonia micrantha | australian bluets | southern bluet | Rubiaceae |
Houstonia procumbens | roundleaf bluet | round-leaf bluets, innocence | Rubiaceae |
Houstonia purpurea | venus' pride | large houstonia, woodland bluets, purple bluets, mountain bluets | Rubiaceae |
Houstonia pusilla | tiny bluet | small bluets, star violet | Rubiaceae |
Houstonia rosea | rose bluet | Rubiaceae | |
Hydrangea arborescens | wild hydrangea | sevenbark | Hydrangeaceae |
Hydrangea quercifolia | oakleaf hydrangea | oak-leaf hydrangea | Hydrangeaceae |
Hydrilla verticillata | waterthyme | Hydrocharitaceae | |
Hydrocotyle bonariensis | large-leaf pennywort | largeleaf pennywort, sombrerillo | Apiaceae |
Hydrocotyle ranunculoides | floating marsh-pennywort | floating pennyroyal, floating marsh pennywort, floating marshpennywort, buttercup pennywort, water-pennywort | Apiaceae |
Hydrocotyle umbellata | manyflower marshpennywort | umbrella pennyroyal, manyflower marshpennywort, water-pennywort, money-plant, ombligo de venus | Apiaceae |
Hydrocotyle verticillata | whorled marshpennywort | whorled pennyroyal, whorled marsh pennywort, whorled pennywort | Apiaceae |
Hydrolea ovata | ovate false fiddleleaf | hairy hydrolea | Hydrophyllaceae |
Hydrolea uniflora | oneflower false fiddleleaf | smooth hydrolea, oneflower hydrolea | Hydrophyllaceae |
Hymenocallis liriosme | spring spider-lily | Liliaceae | |
Hymenopappus artemisiifolius | oldplainsman | old plainsman, woolly-white | Asteraceae |
Hymenopappus scabiosaeus | carolina woollywhite | old plainsman | Asteraceae |
Hypericum cistifolium | round-pod st. john's wort | roundpod st. johnswort | Clusiaceae |
Hypericum crux-andreae | st. peterswort | atlantic st. peterswort, atlantic st. peter's-wort | Clusiaceae |
Hypericum densiflorum | bushy st. johnswort | Clusiaceae | |
Hypericum drummondii | nits-and-lice | nits and lice, drummond's st. johnswort | Clusiaceae |
Hypericum fasciculatum | peelbark st. johnswort | st. johnswort, sandweed, peelbark st. john'swort | Clusiaceae |
Hypericum galioides | bedstraw st. johnswort | Clusiaceae | |
Hypericum gentianoides | orangegrass | pineweed, pinweed st. johnswort, orangegrass | Clusiaceae |
Hypericum gymnanthum | clasping-leaf st. john's-wort | claspingleaf st. johnswort | Clusiaceae |
Hypericum hypericoides | st. andrew's cross | Clusiaceae | |
Hypericum nudiflorum | pretty st. john's-wort | early st. johnswort, naked st. johnswort | Clusiaceae |
Hypericum prolificum | shrubby st. johnswort | shrubby st. johns-wort | Clusiaceae |
Hypericum punctatum | spotted st. johnswort | spotted st. johns-wort | Clusiaceae |
Hypochaeris microcephala | smallhead cat's ear | Asteraceae | |
Hypopitys monotropa | pinesap | false beechdrops, yellow bird's-nest, yellow pinesap, american pinesap | Monotropaceae |
Hypoxis hirsuta | eastern yellow stargrass | common goldstar, yellow star-grass, eastern yellow star-grass, stargrass, star-grass | Liliaceae |
Hyptis alata | clustered bushmint | cluster bushmint, desert-lavender | Lamiaceae |