Search by Common Name
137 records
Common Name | Other Names | Scientific Name | Family |
baby jump-up | baby jumpup | Mecardonia procumbens | Scrophulariaceae |
bagpod | bag-pod, bladder pod | Sesbania vesicaria | Fabaceae |
bahia lovegrass | Eragrostis bahiensis | Poaceae | |
bald cypress | baldcypress, southern cypress, swamp cypress | Taxodium distichum | Cupressaceae |
baldwin's flatsedge | Cyperus croceus | Cyperaceae | |
baldwin's ironweed | western ironweed, ironweed | Vernonia baldwinii | Asteraceae |
balloon-vine | balloonvine, love in a puff, farolitos | Cardiospermum halicacabum | Sapindaceae |
balsampear | bitter melon, wild basalm-apple | Momordica charantia | Cucurbitaceae |
bandanna of the everglades | golden canna | Canna flaccida | Cannaceae |
barbed rattlesnakeroot | Prenanthes barbata | Asteraceae | |
barrens silky aster | meadow aster | Symphyotrichum pratense | Asteraceae |
basketgrass | Oplismenus hirtellus | Poaceae | |
bastard oak | durand oak | Quercus sinuata | Fagaceae |
bay starvine | Schisandra glabra | Schisandraceae | |
beach evening primrose | Oenothera drummondii | Onagraceae | |
beach false foxglove | Agalinis fasciculata | Scrophulariaceae | |
beach morning-glory | Ipomoea imperati | Convolvulaceae | |
beaked agrimony | woodland groovebur | Agrimonia rostellata | Rosaceae |
beaked corn salad | beaked cornsalad, woods corn-salad | Valerianella radiata | Valerianaceae |
beaked panicgrass | beaked panicum | Coleataenia anceps | Poaceae |
beard grass | shortleaf skeletongrass | Gymnopogon brevifolius | Poaceae |
bearded beggarticks | long-bracted beggar-ticks, tickseed sunflower | Bidens aristosa | Asteraceae |
bearded flatsedge | awned flatsedge, bearded nutgrass | Cyperus squarrosus | Cyperaceae |
bedstraw st. johnswort | Hypericum galioides | Clusiaceae | |
beefsteakplant | Perilla frutescens | Lamiaceae | |
bentawn flatsedge | Cyperus reflexus | Cyperaceae | |
bergamot | wildbergamot horsemint, oswego-tea, mintleaf beebalm, wild bergamot, long-flowered horsemint, wildbergmot beebalm, beebalm, bee-balm | Monarda fistulosa | Lamiaceae |
berlandier's sundrops | square-bud primrose, sundrops, berlandier evening primrose | Calylophus berlandieri | Onagraceae |
bermudagrass | chiendent pied-de-poule, devilgrass, grama-seda, manienie, motie molulu, pata de gallo, bermuda grass | Cynodon dactylon | Poaceae |
betonyleaf noseburn | noseburn | Tragia betonicifolia | Euphorbiaceae |
big bluestem | bluejoint, turkeyfoot | Andropogon gerardii | Poaceae |
big cordgrass | Spartina cynosuroides | Poaceae | |
big floatingheart | floating hears, banana lily | Nymphoides aquatica | Menyanthaceae |
big sandbur | Cenchrus myosuroides | Poaceae | |
bigfoot waterclover | water color, clover-fern, largefoot pepperwort | Marsilea macropoda | Marsileaceae |
bighead rush | Juncus megacephalus | Juncaceae | |
bigleaf magnolia | umbrella-tree | Magnolia macrophylla | Magnoliaceae |
bigleaf periwinkle | greater periwinkle | Vinca major | Apocynaceae |
bigleaf snowbell | bigleaf storax, coast snowbell | Styrax grandifolius | Styracaceae |
bigseed alfalfa dodder | largeseed dodder, pretty dodder | Cuscuta indecora | Cuscutaceae |
birdfoot violet | Viola pedata | Violaceae | |
birdseed leaf-flower | Phyllanthus evanescens | Euphorbiaceae | |
bitter dock | bluntleaf dock | Rumex obtusifolius | Polygonaceae |
bitter panicgrass | bitter panicum, beachgrass, coastal panic grass | Panicum amarum | Poaceae |
bitternut hickory | pignut, noyer amer, swamp hickory | Carya cordiformis | Juglandaceae |
bitterweed | yellowdicks, bitter sneezeweed, narrow leaved sneezeweed | Helenium amarum | Asteraceae |
black cherry | black chokecherry, rum cherry, wild black cherry | Prunus serotina | Rosaceae |
black hickory | Carya texana | Juglandaceae | |
black jack oak | blackjack oak, barren oak, black oak, jack oak | Quercus marilandica | Fagaceae |
black locust | false acacia, robinia, honey locust | Robinia pseudoacacia | Fabaceae |
black mangrove | mangle blanco | Avicennia germinans | Verbenaceae |
black medic clover | black medick, black medic, hop clover, hop medic, nonesuch, yellow trefoil | Medicago lupulina | Fabaceae |
black walnut | noyer noir, eastern black walnut | Juglans nigra | Juglandaceae |
black willow | gulf black willow, lindheimer's black willow | Salix nigra | Salicaceae |
blackeyed pea | cowpea, field pea, cream-pea | Vigna unguiculata | Fabaceae |
black-eyed susan | blackeyed susan, common black-eyed susan, brown-eyed susan | Rudbeckia hirta | Asteraceae |
blackfoot quillwort | blackfooted quillwort, midland quillwort | Isoetes melanopoda | Isoetaceae |
blackgum | black gum, black tupelo, sourgum, tupelo, pepperridge | Nyssa sylvatica | Cornaceae |
blackhaw | smooth blackhaw, blackhaw viburnum, smooth blackhaw viburnum, stagbush, nanny-berry, sweet haw | Viburnum prunifolium | Caprifoliaceae |
blackseed speargrass | blackseed needlegrass | Piptochaetium avenaceum | Poaceae |
blackseed windmill grass | pinewoods fingergrass | Eustachys petraea | Poaceae |
blood sage | scarlet sage, tropical sage, red sage, indian fire, mirto, mejorana | Salvia coccinea | Lamiaceae |
bloodflower | wild ipecacuanha, hierba de la cucaracha, scarlet milkweed | Asclepias curassavica | Asclepiadaceae |
bloodroot | red puccoon | Sanguinaria canadensis | Papaveraceae |
bloody butcher | prairie trillium, prairie wake-robin | Trillium recurvatum | Liliaceae |
blue fieldmadder | field-madder, spurwort, herb sherard | Sherardia arvensis | Rubiaceae |
blue jack oak | bluejack oak, sandjack oak, upland willow oak, cinnamon oak, shin oak, turkey oak, blue-jack oak, sand jack, blue jack | Quercus incana | Fagaceae |
blue mistflower | wild ageratum, blue boneset, mistflower | Conoclinium coelestinum | Asteraceae |
blue mountain-mint | clustered mountainmint, blue mountain mint | Pycnanthemum muticum | Lamiaceae |
blue mudplantain | ducksalad, mud plantain, blue mudplantain | Heteranthera limosa | Pontederiaceae |
blue sedge | hirsute sedge | Carex complanata | Cyperaceae |
blue star | willow slimpod, eastern bluestar, blue dogbane, willow amsonia, woodland bluestar | Amsonia tabernaemontana | Apocynaceae |
blue water-hyssop | blue waterhyssop | Bacopa caroliniana | Scrophulariaceae |
blueberry hawthorn | Crataegus brachyacantha | Rosaceae | |
blueflower coyote-thistle | simpleleaf eryngo, blueflower eryngo, blue-flower coyote-thistle | Eryngium integrifolium | Apiaceae |
bluejacket | ohio spiderwort, smooth spiderwort | Tradescantia ohiensis | Commelinaceae |
bluejoint panicgrass | Coleataenia tenera | Poaceae | |
bluestem pricklypoppy | white pricklypoppy | Argemone albiflora | Papaveraceae |
blunt broom sedge | Carex tribuloides | Cyperaceae | |
blunt spike-rush | blunt spikerush, blunt spikesedge | Eleocharis obtusa | Cyperaceae |
bluntleaf bedstraw | bristly bedstraw | Galium obtusum | Rubiaceae |
bluntlobe cliff fern | blunt-lobed woodsia | Woodsia obtusa | Dryopteridaceae |
boatlily | Tradescantia spathacea | Commelinaceae | |
bog rush | Juncus elliottii | Juncaceae | |
bog smartweed | Persicaria setacea | Polygonaceae | |
bog white violet | Viola x primulifolia | Violaceae | |
bog yelloweyed grass | bog yellow-eyed-grass, southern yelloweyed grass | Xyris difformis | Xyridaceae |
bosc's mille graines | Oldenlandia boscii | Rubiaceae | |
bosc's panicgrass | Dichanthelium boscii | Poaceae | |
bottomland post oak | delta post oak, | Quercus similis | Fagaceae |
boxelder | ashleaf maple, boxelder maple, california boxelder, manitoba maple, western boxelder, box elder, three-leaf maple, ash-leaf maple | Acer negundo | Aceraceae |
boykin's clusterpea | Dioclea multiflora | Fabaceae | |
bracken fern | bracken, brackenfern, northern bracken fern, western brackenfern, fougère des aigle, western bracken | Pteridium aquilinum | Dennstaedtiaceae |
bracted plantain | bottlebrush indianwheat, largebracted plantain, buckthorn | Plantago aristata | Plantaginaceae |
branched foldwing | branched dicliptera | Dicliptera brachiata | Acanthaceae |
branched scouringrush | Equisetum ramosissimum | Equisetaceae | |
branching centaury | branched centaury | Centaurium pulchellum | Gentianaceae |
brazilian vervain | Verbena brasiliensis | Verbenaceae | |
bristleleaf chaffhead | Carphephorus pseudoliatris | Asteraceae | |
bristly buttercup | marsh buttercup | Ranunculus hispidus | Ranunculaceae |
bristly flatsedge | Cyperus hystricinus | Cyperaceae | |
bristly greenbrier | Smilax tamnoides | Smilacaceae | |
bristly locust | standing sweet pea, rose-acacia | Robinia hispida | Fabaceae |
bristlystalked sedge | bristlestalked sedge, bristly-stalk sedge | Carex leptalea | Cyperaceae |
britton's sedge | Carex tetrastachya | Cyperaceae | |
broadleaf arrowhead | wapato, sagittaire latifoliée, common arrowhead, duck-potato, arrowhead | Sagittaria latifolia | Alismataceae |
broadleaf cattail | cattail, common cattail, broad-leaved cat-tail, broad-leaf cat-tail, common cat-tail, tule espadilla | Typha latifolia | Typhaceae |
broadleaf enchanter's nightshade | Circaea lutetiana | Onagraceae | |
broadleaf plantain | great plantain, buckthorn plantain, rippleseed plantain, common plantain, lanten | Plantago major | Plantaginaceae |
broadleaf signal grass | broadleaf signalgrass | Urochloa platyphylla | Poaceae |
broadwing sedge | Carex alata | Cyperaceae | |
broom-sedge | broomsedge bluestem, broomsedge, yellow bluestem, broom sedge | Andropogon virginicus | Poaceae |
browne's savory | Clinopodium brownei | Lamiaceae | |
browneyed susan | brown-eyed-susan, thin-leaved coneflower, three-lobed rudbeckia | Rudbeckia triloba | Asteraceae |
brownish beaksedge | brownish beakrush | Rhynchospora capitellata | Cyperaceae |
brownseed paspalum | brownseed paspale | Paspalum plicatulum | Poaceae |
buckhorn plantain | english plantain, lanceleaf indianwheat, lanceleaf plantain, ribgrass, ribwort, narrowleaf plantain, narrow-leaved plantain | Plantago lanceolata | Plantaginaceae |
buckthorn bully | buckthorn bumelia, buckthorn, smooth bumelia, ironwood | Sideroxylon lycioides | Sapotaceae |
buckwheat tree | black titi, buckwheat bush | Cliftonia monophylla | Cyrillaceae |
buffalobur nightshade | buffalobur, kansas-thistle | Solanum rostratum | Solanaceae |
buffalograss | buffalo grass | Buchloe dactyloides | Poaceae |
buffelgrass | Cenchrus ciliaris | Poaceae | |
bulbous adderstongue | bulbous adder's-tongue | Ophioglossum crotalophoroides | Ophioglossaceae |
bulbous bittercress | cardamine bulbeuse, bulb bittercress, bulbous bitter-cress, spring cress | Cardamine bulbosa | Brassicaceae |
bull thistle | yellow thistle | Cirsium horridulum | Asteraceae |
bulltongue arrowhead | bulltongue, scythefruit arrowhead, lanceleaf arrowhead, duck-potato | Sagittaria lancifolia | Alismataceae |
bur clover | bur-clover, bur medick, toothed medick, california burclover, smooth bur-clover, burr medic | Medicago polymorpha | Fabaceae |
bur oak | burr oak, savannah oak, overcup oak, prairie oak, mossy-cup oak, mossy-overcup oak, blue oak | Quercus macrocarpa | Fagaceae |
burning nettle | dwarf nettle, annual nettle, small nettle, dog nettle | Urtica urens | Urticaceae |
bursting-heart | strawberry bush, hearts-bustin'-with-love, american strawberry-bush, brook eunoymus, hearts-a-burstin, wahoo, american burning bush | Euonymus americanus | Celastraceae |
bushkiller | Cayratia japonica | Vitaceae | |
bushy bluestem | brushy bluestem, bushy beardgrass | Andropogon glomeratus | Poaceae |
bushy goldentop | mississippi valley flat-topped goldenrod | Euthamia leptocephala | Asteraceae |
bushy st. johnswort | Hypericum densiflorum | Clusiaceae | |
butterfly-weed | butterflyweed, butterfly milkweed, orange milkweed, pleurisy root, chigger flower | Asclepias tuberosa | Asclepiadaceae |
butterweed | cress-leaf groundsel, yellowtop | Packera glabella | Asteraceae |
buttonbush flatsedge | Cyperus cephalanthus | Cyperaceae |