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291 records
Common Scientific Family
sacred bamboo Nandina domestica Berberidaceae
sacred lotus Nelumbo nucifera Nelumbonaceae
sagittaire à feuilles de graminées Sagittaria graminea Alismataceae
salt heliotrope Heliotropium curassavicum Boraginaceae
salt sandspurry Spergularia salina Caryophyllaceae
saltmarsh bulrush Bolboschoenus maritimus Cyperaceae
salt-marsh camphor-weed Pluchea camphorata Asteraceae
saltmarsh false foxglove Agalinis maritima Scrophulariaceae
saltmarsh fimbry Fimbristylis spadicea Cyperaceae
saltmarsh loosestrife Lythrum lineare Lythraceae
saltmarsh mallow Kosteletzkya pentacarpos Malvaceae
salt-marsh morning-glory Ipomoea sagittata Convolvulaceae
saltmarsh umbrella-sedge Fuirena breviseta Cyperaceae
saltwater false willow Baccharis angustifolia Asteraceae
saltwort Batis maritima Bataceae
sampson's snakeroot Orbexilum pedunculatum Fabaceae
sand bittercress Cardamine parviflora Brassicaceae
sand live oak Quercus geminata Fagaceae
sand rose gentian Sabatia arenicola Gentianaceae
sand spikemoss Selaginella arenicola Selaginellaceae
sand spike-rush Eleocharis montevidensis Cyperaceae
sandbar willow Salix interior Salicaceae
sand-barrens sundrops Oenothera linifolia Onagraceae
sanddune sandbur Cenchrus tribuloides Poaceae
sandswamp whitetop Rhynchospora latifolia Cyperaceae
sarsparilla vine Smilax pumila Smilacaceae
sarvis holly Ilex amelanchier Aquifoliaceae
sassafras Sassafras albidum Lauraceae
savannah meadowbeauty Rhexia alifanus Melastomataceae
savannah sneezeweed Helenium vernale Asteraceae
saw greenbrier Smilax bona-nox Smilacaceae
saw palmetto Serenoa repens Arecaceae
sawtooth blackberry Rubus argutus Rosaceae
sawtooth oak Quercus acutissima Fagaceae
sawtooth sunflower Helianthus grosse-serratus Asteraceae
scalloped milkwort Polygala crenata Polygalaceae
scaly blazing star Liatris squarrosa Asteraceae
scarlet beardtongue Penstemon murrayanus Scrophulariaceae
scarlet firethorn Pyracantha coccinea Rosaceae
scarlet rosemallow Hibiscus coccineus Malvaceae
scarlet spiderling Boerhavia coccinea Nyctaginaceae
scarlett pimpernel Anagallis arvensis Primulaceae
sea ox-eye Borrichia frutescens Asteraceae
seabeach evening primrose Oenothera humifusa Onagraceae
seacoast marsh elder Iva imbricata Asteraceae
seaoats Uniola paniculata Poaceae
seashore dropseed Sporobolus virginicus Poaceae
seashore paspalum Paspalum vaginatum Poaceae
seaside brookweed Samolus valerandi Primulaceae
seaside bulrush Bolboschoenus robustus Cyperaceae
seaside goldenrod Solidago sempervirens Asteraceae
seaside primrose-willow Ludwigia maritima Onagraceae
seedbox Ludwigia alternifolia Onagraceae
sensitive brier Mimosa microphylla Fabaceae
sensitive fern Onoclea sensibilis Dryopteridaceae
sensitive partridge pea Chamaecrista nictitans Fabaceae
sericea lespedeza Lespedeza cuneata Fabaceae
sessileleaf bellwort Uvularia sessilifolia Liliaceae
shade betony Stachys crenata Lamiaceae
shade mudflower Micranthemum umbrosum Scrophulariaceae
shaggy hedgehyssop Gratiola pilosa Scrophulariaceae
shallow sedge Carex lurida Cyperaceae
sharpscale flatsedge Cyperus oxylepis Cyperaceae
sharpscale sedge Carex oxylepis Cyperaceae
sharpwing monkeyflower Mimulus alatus Scrophulariaceae
shepard's purse Capsella bursa-pastoris Brassicaceae
shiny coneflower Rudbeckia texana Asteraceae
shiny golden-rod Solidago nitida Asteraceae
shore little bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium var. littorale Poaceae
shoregrass Monanthochloe littoralis Poaceae
shoreline seapurslane Sesuvium portulacastrum Aizoaceae
shoreline sedge Carex hyalinolepis Cyperaceae
shortbeak beaksedge Rhynchospora nitens Cyperaceae
shortbristle horned beaksedge Rhynchospora corniculata Cyperaceae
shortleaf lobelia Lobelia brevifolia Campanulaceae
shortleaf pine Pinus echinata Pinaceae
shortleaf spikesedge Kyllinga brevifolia Cyperaceae
short-point flatsedge Cyperus acuminatus Cyperaceae
showy evening-primrose Oenothera grandis Onagraceae
showy evening-primrose Oenothera speciosa Onagraceae
showy fanpetals Sida lindheimeri Malvaceae
showy milkwort Polygala grandiflora Polygalaceae
showy orchid Gymnadeniopsis nivea Orchidaceae
showy rattlebox Crotalaria spectabilis Fabaceae
shrubby st. johnswort Hypericum prolificum Clusiaceae
shumard's oak Quercus shumardii Fagaceae
shyleaf Aeschynomene americana Fabaceae
sicklepod Arabis canadensis Brassicaceae
sidebeak pencil-flower Stylosanthes biflora Fabaceae
sideoats grama Bouteloua curtipendula Poaceae
silkgrass Pityopsis graminifolia Asteraceae
silky camellia Stewartia malacodendron Theaceae
silky evolvulus Evolvulus sericeus Convolvulaceae
silky prairie clover Dalea villosa Fabaceae
silver beardgrass Bothriochloa laguroides Poaceae
silver hairgrass Aira caryophyllea Poaceae
silver maple Acer saccharinum Aceraceae
silverhead Blutaparon vermiculare Amaranthaceae
silverleaf nightshade Solanum elaeagnifolium Solanaceae
single-stem scurfpea Orbexilum simplex Fabaceae
skyblue aster Symphyotrichum oolentangiense Asteraceae
slash pine Pinus elliottii Pinaceae
sleepy catchfly Silene antirrhina Caryophyllaceae
sleepydick Ornithogalum umbellatum Liliaceae
slender amaranth Amaranthus viridis Amaranthaceae
slender beaksedge Rhynchospora gracilenta Cyperaceae
slender blazingstar Liatris acidota Asteraceae
slender bluestem Schizachyrium tenerum Poaceae
slender false dragonhead Physostegia intermedia Lamiaceae
slender fimbry Fimbristylis autumnalis Cyperaceae
slender meadow foxtail Alopecurus myosuroides Poaceae
slender mountain-mint Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Lamiaceae
slender rosinweed Silphium radula var. gracile Asteraceae
slender scratchdaisy Croptilon divaricatum Asteraceae
slender threeseed mercury Acalypha gracilens Euphorbiaceae
slender wedgescale Sphenopholis intermedia Poaceae
slender woodoats Chasmanthium laxum Poaceae
slender yellow woodsorrel Oxalis dillenii Oxalidaceae
slenderfruit nutrush Scleria georgiana Cyperaceae
slenderleaf false foxglove Agalinis tenuifolia Scrophulariaceae
slenderleaf fleabane Erigeron tenuis Asteraceae
slickseed fuzzybean Strophostyles leiosperma Fabaceae
slim spikerush Eleocharis elongata Cyperaceae
slimpod rush Juncus diffusissimus Juncaceae
slimspike prairie clover Dalea phleoides Fabaceae
slimspike threeawn Aristida longespica var. geniculata Poaceae
small ballmoss Tillandsia recurvata Bromeliaceae
small beggarticks Bidens discoidea Asteraceae
small butterwort Pinguicula pumila Lentibulariaceae
small green wood orchid Gymnadeniopsis clavellata Orchidaceae
small palafoxia Palafoxia callosa Asteraceae
small skullcap Scutellaria parvula Lamiaceae
small spreading pogonia Cleistesiopsis bifri Orchidaceae
smallflower baby blue eyes Nemophila aphylla Hydrophyllaceae
smallflower desert-chicory Pyrrhopappus pauciflorus Asteraceae
smallflower fumewort Corydalis micrantha Fumariaceae
smallflower groundcherry Physalis cinerascens Solanaceae
smallflower pawpaw Asimina parviflora Annonaceae
small-flower thoroughwort Eupatorium semiserratum Asteraceae
smallfruit beggarticks Bidens mitis Asteraceae
smallfruit primrose-willow Ludwigia microcarpa Onagraceae
small-fruit spikerush Eleocharis microcarpa Cyperaceae
smallhead cat's ear Hypochaeris microcephala Asteraceae
smallhead doll's daisy Boltonia diffusa Asteraceae
small's blacksnakeroot Sanicula smallii Apiaceae
small's noseburn Tragia smallii Euphorbiaceae
small-spike false nettle Boehmeria cylindrica Urticaceae
smooth beggartick Bidens laevis Asteraceae
smooth brome Bromus inermis Poaceae
smooth cordgrass Spartina alterniflora Poaceae
smooth crabgrass Digitaria ischaemum Poaceae
smooth elephantsfoot Elephantopus nudatus Asteraceae
smooth false buttonweed Spermacoce glabra Rubiaceae
smooth hedgenettle Stachys tenuifolia Lamiaceae
smooth jewelflower Streptanthus hyacinthoides Brassicaceae
smooth oxeye Heliopsis helianthoides Asteraceae
smooth phacelia Phacelia glabra Hydrophyllaceae
smooth small-leaf ticktrefoil Desmodium marilandicum Fabaceae
smooth solomon's seal Polygonatum biflorum Liliaceae
smooth sumac Rhus glabra Anacardiaceae
snakemouth orchid Pogonia ophioglossoides var. brachypogon Orchidaceae
snakemouth orchid Pogonia ophioglossoides Orchidaceae
snow on the mountain Euphorbia marginata Euphorbiaceae
snow on the prairie Euphorbia bicolor Euphorbiaceae
soft goldenaster Bradburia pilosa Asteraceae
soft greeneyes Berlandiera pumila Asteraceae
soft thistle Cirsium carolinianum Asteraceae
soft-hair marbleseed Onosmodium bejariense Boraginaceae
softseed wild petunia Ruellia simplex Acanthaceae
soft-stem bulrush Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Cyperaceae
sorrelvine Cissus trifoliata Vitaceae
sourwood Oxydendrum arboreum Ericaceae
south american mock vervain Glandularia pulchella Verbenaceae
south american skullcap Scutellaria racemosa Lamiaceae
south american vervain Verbena bonariensis Verbenaceae
southern adderstongue Ophioglossum vulgatum Ophioglossaceae
southern amaranth Amaranthus australis Amaranthaceae
southern annual saltmarsh aster Symphyotrichum subulatum var. ligulatum Asteraceae
southern arrowwood Viburnum dentatum Caprifoliaceae
southern bayberry Morella caroliniensis Myricaceae
southern bayberry Morella cerifera Myricaceae
southern catalpa Catalpa bignonioides Bignoniaceae
southern cattail Typha domingensis Typhaceae
southern crab apple Malus angustifolia Rosaceae
southern crabgrass Digitaria ciliaris Poaceae
southern cutgrass Leersia hexandra Poaceae
southern dawnflower Stylisma humistrata Convolvulaceae
southern dewberry Rubus trivialis Rosaceae
southern jointweed Polygonella americana Polygonaceae
southern long sedge Carex lonchocarpa Cyperaceae
southern magnolia Magnolia grandiflora Magnoliaceae
southern red oak Quercus falcata Fagaceae
southern shield fern Thelypteris kunthii Thelypteridaceae
southern spicebush Lindera melissifolia Lauraceae
southern sugar maple Acer barbatum Aceraceae
southern twayblade Neottia bifolia Orchidaceae
southern umbrella-sedge Fuirena scirpoidea Cyperaceae
southern watergrass Luziola fluitans Poaceae
southern waternymph Najas guadalupensis Najadaceae
southern waxy sedge Carex glaucescens Cyperaceae
southern woodfern Dryopteris ludoviciana Dryopteridaceae
soxman's milkvetch Astragalus soxmaniorum Fabaceae
spanish moss Tillandsia usneoides Bromeliaceae
spanish needles Bidens bipinnata Asteraceae
spearmint Mentha spicata Lamiaceae
spiked crested coralroot Hexalectris spicata Orchidaceae
spiny aster Chloracantha spinosa Asteraceae
spiny sowthistle Sonchus asper Asteraceae
spiny-fruit buttercup Ranunculus muricatus Ranunculaceae
splitbeard bluestem Andropogon ternarius Poaceae
spoonleaf sundew Drosera intermedia Droseraceae
spotted bee-balm Monarda punctata Lamiaceae
spotted geranium Geranium maculatum Geraniaceae
spotted ladysthumb Persicaria maculosa Polygonaceae
spotted medic Medicago arabica Fabaceae
spotted sandmat Euphorbia maculata Euphorbiaceae
spotted st. johnswort Hypericum punctatum Clusiaceae
spotted water hemlock Cicuta maculata Apiaceae
spreading broomsedge Euphorbia humistrata Euphorbiaceae
spreading hedgeparsley Torilis arvensis Apiaceae
spreading pygmyleaf Loeflingia squarrosa Caryophyllaceae
spring coralroot orchid Corallorhiza wisteriana Orchidaceae
spring forget-me-not Myosotis verna Boraginaceae
spring ladies'-tresses Spiranthes vernalis Orchidaceae
spring pygmycudweed Evax verna Asteraceae
spring spider-lily Hymenocallis liriosme Liliaceae
spruce pine Pinus glabra Pinaceae
spurred butterfly pea Centrosema virginianum Fabaceae
squareflower Paronychia erecta Caryophyllaceae
square-stem spike-rush Eleocharis quadrangulata Cyperaceae
squarrose sedge Carex squarrosa Cyperaceae
st. andrew's cross Hypericum hypericoides Clusiaceae
st. augustine grass Stenotaphrum secundatum Poaceae
st. peterswort Hypericum crux-andreae Clusiaceae
stalked wild petunia Ruellia pedunculata Acanthaceae
stalkless yellowcress Rorippa sessiliflora Brassicaceae
standing-cypress Ipomopsis rubra Polemoniaceae
star tickseed Coreopsis pubescens Asteraceae
starch grape hyacinth Muscari neglectum Liliaceae
starry rosinweed Silphium asteriscus Asteraceae
stemless evening primrose Oenothera triloba Onagraceae
sticky chickweed Cerastium glomeratum Caryophyllaceae
sticky waxweed Cuphea glutinosa Lythraceae
stiff bluestar Amsonia rigida Apocynaceae
stiff cowbane Oxypolis rigidior Apiaceae
stiff dogwood Cornus foemina Cornaceae
stiff goldenrod Solidago rigida Asteraceae
stiff greenthread Thelesperma filifolium Asteraceae
stiff marsh bedstraw Galium tinctorium Rubiaceae
stiff tickseed Coreopsis palmata Asteraceae
stiff yellow flax Linum medium Linaceae
stinking camphorweed Pluchea foetida Asteraceae
stokes' aster Stokesia laevis Asteraceae
stout rush Juncus nodatus Juncaceae
straggler daisy Calyptocarpus vialis Asteraceae
strawcolored flatsedge Cyperus strigosus Cyperaceae
stream bogmoss Mayaca fluviatilis Mayacaceae
suckling clover Trifolium dubium Fabaceae
sugarberry Celtis laevigata Ulmaceae
sugarcane Saccharum officinarum Poaceae
sugarcane plumegrass Saccharum giganteum Poaceae
sulphur cinquefoil Potentilla recta Rosaceae
sulphur cosmos Cosmos sulphureus Asteraceae
summer grape Vitis aestivalis Vitaceae
summer snowflake Leucojum aestivum Liliaceae
sunbright Phemeranthus parviflorus Portulacaceae
swamp azalea Rhododendron viscosum Ericaceae
swamp bay Persea palustris Lauraceae
swamp chestnut oak Quercus michauxii Fagaceae
swamp cottonwood Populus heterophylla Salicaceae
swamp dock Rumex verticillatus Polygonaceae
swamp hornpod Mitreola sessilifolia Loganiaceae
swamp leather flower. curly clematis Clematis crispa Ranunculaceae
swamp milkweed Asclepias incarnata Asclepiadaceae
swamp milkwort Polygala leptocaulis Polygalaceae
swamp sawgrass Cladium mariscus Cyperaceae
swamp smartweed Persicaria hydropiperoides Polygonaceae
swamp sunflower Helianthus angustifolius Asteraceae
swamp thistle Cirsium muticum Asteraceae
swamp titi Cyrilla racemiflora Cyrillaceae
swamp tupelo Nyssa biflora Cornaceae
swamp verbena Verbena hastata Verbenaceae
sweet acacia Acacia farnesiana Fabaceae
sweet autumn virginsbower Clematis terniflora Ranunculaceae
sweet basil Ocimum basilicum Lamiaceae
sweet coneflower Rudbeckia subtomentosa Asteraceae
sweetbay Magnolia virginiana Magnoliaceae
sweet-gum Liquidambar styraciflua Hamamelidaceae
sweetscent Pluchea odorata Asteraceae
sweetscented joe pye weed Eutrochium purpureum Asteraceae
swollen bladderwort Utricularia inflata Lentibulariaceae